One of the best 3D animators and modelers is rickonami.
Seriously, if you have never seen his work then you are truly missing out.
All his videos are basically tributes to old-skool fans of video games.
I have been a fan of his work since is castlevania videos, and let me tell you they are amazing.
It might not look as brilliant at times, like some videos might just be a title screen, but that doesn't mean its uninteresting and not good, in fact its some of his best work.
You know how they say that a good comedian can make the dictionary sound funny?
Well this guy can make a simple title screen look like something out of a blue-ray movie.
Folks, something isn't right here, this guy only has a little over 4000 subscribers.
Talent like this shouldn't go unnoticed. I mean his work has even been posted on Konami's facebook account.
Though in the past few days, his subscribes have increased, which is good to know.
If you haven't seen his work, check it out, you will not regret it.
wow that is really cool. thanks alot for showing me this...