first song ive heard with words envolved here at the audio portal. nice way of the song. dunno why but it sounds like someone just smoked weed and stuff. and they see those holusonation stuff. yea the stuff like that.
first song ive heard with words envolved here at the audio portal. nice way of the song. dunno why but it sounds like someone just smoked weed and stuff. and they see those holusonation stuff. yea the stuff like that.
"A man who has never lost himself in a cause bigger than himself has missed one of life's mountaintop experiences. Only in losing himself does he find himself. Only then does he discover all the latent strengths he never knew he had and which otherwise would have remained dormant."
(will remember it forever)
you are indeed the best music maker eva. are those real people singing??? what music program u use?
Thanks, I don't know about the best music maker ever but I know I'm certainly better than my scores indicate.
As for the people singing being real, yes and no. Some of them are real and some of them are synthetic. The ones singing lyrics are real. And the ones that are singing lyrics are also me. ;) I use Logic Pro 7 for Mac OSX for most of my music.
im probaly going to use this someday
maybe not. I like it. It sounds Kool.
Holy crap... 3 downloads and a review, and it's only been up for about 3 minutes :)
Thanks for the high score!
do-do-do-do do do-do-do-do do
do-do-do-do do do-do-do-do do
kool. one of my fav.
I dunno wat else to say..........................
um.... gives a mistery thought in my head.
Reminds me of the Mario Paint music
lol it does. THis is kool. I like it alot!!!!
(been listening for 20 min so far)
what program u use!
Dude this is so great!!!!!!!!
Theirs nothing to improve on! ITS PERFECT!!
lol i know were the begining tune is from. its that old baseball game "all star baseball 2001" or something......... it was on N64. just that little jingle though. might of played on baseball games too. lol funny. makes me picture the old movie guys dancing like they always did. (were they hop up and down)
I wonder
whats that clicking noise in the backround..................... i like this better then the resident evil one.......
hmmm ok
...........yeah.... heh kinda like the old radio shows........ but in the present time...... good job............................ but the voices got confusing......... i got confused in the end.......................... i dont think i even want to know what happened......... (to many dots yeah i know)
Also wounders what program u use
I Like it!! The best!!!!!! Makes me feel little weird....... I picture something coming back that has been lost for so long and then i picture my self sitting in some kind of relm all alone and angry..... odd......... well thats music for ya sometimes lol....
Hmm...very intriguing...
Just me DrClay, out of things to do, hanging out.
Age 35, Male
Chilling out
Earth (duh)
Joined on 8/9/05