Not bad
man that was freaky a lil bit (in a good way)
I voted 5.
Not bad
man that was freaky a lil bit (in a good way)
I voted 5.
lol, wait until you see part II and III! It's MUCH darker than the first part!
Thank you!
been done
this has been done. even with the same name.
I forget his name though. but its been done.
Get a better webcam and
you might have a better chance. cuz ur way of animating is good.
but get a better webcam. unless that was all white clay....
It was all white clay, and i just got a new digital camcorder for christmas im gonna use, i just need firewire first.
you got the ending from family guy.
graphics and all were good though. good job.
......what just happend
............i have know idea what just happend.
um... she died LMAO!
DOnt listen to the ones who said that it sucked. IT RULED!!!!!!
This one definetly deserves to stay on and GREAT CHOISE OF MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wootness, i <3 you
the sound needs to be better
when you said "Link wins" it sounded like a robot or something.
even if its suppost to sound like that i could hardly understand it.
good music and graphics though.
yea sound did suck
only like music and the animation is ok
That music is kool. good choise. the animation was pretty good and i like the little sprites from the other sega thingy. or nes boy. whatever that system was called i dont remember. hey the cruser dissapears though. how am i suppost to find the secret when i cant even find the arrow of the mouse?
Look around when you HAVE the cursor.
Hint:Look on the first page!
oh no no number.....
heh........ yeahhhhh....... you could prevent the number saying thing by making the period have a space after the word "No" or did you just leave that for comady?
(hey i can see my house from here)
What do you think?
Just me DrClay, out of things to do, hanging out.
Age 35, Male
Chilling out
Earth (duh)
Joined on 8/9/05