im protecting it and voted 5. still i didnt like the fact that the music of the pokemon theme was playing the whole time. but thats cuz i dont like the theme. but its your toon. hope it survives. good luck
im protecting it and voted 5. still i didnt like the fact that the music of the pokemon theme was playing the whole time. but thats cuz i dont like the theme. but its your toon. hope it survives. good luck
only like music and the animation is ok
That music is kool. good choise. the animation was pretty good and i like the little sprites from the other sega thingy. or nes boy. whatever that system was called i dont remember. hey the cruser dissapears though. how am i suppost to find the secret when i cant even find the arrow of the mouse?
Look around when you HAVE the cursor.
Hint:Look on the first page!
Knox your the best eva
Your the best at claymation. You do the best on voices and animation and the quality is perfect.
heheheh Dr.Bob is my fav character so far.
Blue claymen rule. I hope they stay on Newgrounds.
didnt like it
cuz the same thing kept happening over and over
excallent. are you going to do this again this christmass. huh? are ya?
i get the jokes. i liked the fact that mario just fell asleep. i am protecting it man. but i doubt it will make it through. sorry.
maybe try something that everyone can laugh at and not just the people who play the games. But i do know why mega man blows up. he is a robot.......man.err...guy.........thing..... yeah he is a roboticmanguythingymajiggy......
now see that was hard to figure out...........
plus it could of had some music. but if this is your first time then good job.
Just me DrClay, out of things to do, hanging out.
Age 35, Male
Chilling out
Earth (duh)
Joined on 8/9/05