Its okay I guess
In my opinion, I believe that this is a little overrated. Don't get me wrong, I love the series, and your past projects. But when I compare this to your past projects, it falls a little in the middle.
The way I see it, you could of done better.
The ending is also abrupt and at first I wasn't sure what just happened. I mean I see a train appear, then some guy shoots and then a black void.
I was hoping it to be a little better, finally my last complaint is that it moved a little too fast at parts, I get the idea of them moving fast to survive and all but sometimes I don't know who did what.
It almost seems like you stopped trying in the end, and just put in something to cut it off, which I am a little disappointed about.
Your humor and animation was good, I just didn't like the outcome in the end.
Good work, but you could of done a hell of a lot better, when I compare this to your other projects.